Tuesday, June 26, 2007

an invader!

I guess I took home more than overpriced clothes and random comic books from New York City.

I also grabbed about a million germs. All of whom immediately vomited their poison into my fragile body.

the puke tastes like nyc smells...

Saturday, June 23, 2007

ghost + technology.

remember : if you hear a super spooky ghost who's loud and fearsome, it could just be a not-so-spooky ghost with an amp or megaphone or something.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

one (1) tough dude.

this one dude is so tough that once he broke a semi-truck just by shouting really hard at it. true story.

Monday, June 11, 2007


SuperColorBird says "don't forget to call your parents collect, then have them deny the charges if you just want to let them know you're ready for them to pick you up from basketball practice."

Sage advice, SuperColorBird! That trick saved me mucho quarters back in the day. Extra Credit Tip : When the fake operator prompts you, say "imreadytobepickedupfromthegym" really fast instead of your name.

P.S. I got a bunch of new, random colored markers!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Catch this.

Let's set the record straight.

Yes, I am 25 years old. An adult by most definitions of the world.

And yes, I am a man. Not only that, I'm a hairy, manly man who's a hit with the ladies.

And yes, I live a stylishly urban life filled with lots of expensive clothes and jewelry and fly-ass shoes that make me feel superior to the common man.

And yes, today I bought the new Pokemon for my Nintendo DS Lite (Diamond version, natch). Some people might call it a game for ADHD suffering 6-year-olds who couldn't hack pee-wee football. But I call it awesome.

And I bought it with conviction and authority. I not only defiantly locked eyes with the clerk as I placed the tiny-boxed game on the counter, but I announced in a booming voice that this Pokemon game was indeed for me, and me alone.

My words were met with deafening silence and a look of befuddlement, but the air was charged, buzzing with excitement and satisfied awe.

To celebrate this day, I drew a tribute to the act of "Catching 'em All."

Gotta catch 'em all, dilweeds!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Ghosts are poop-tacular!

G-g-ghosts! A-a-aweome!

Man, if I ever saw a ghost I'd poop my pants. But I'd be thinking "this is so rad" the whole time.

the bringer of bones.

More to come. The progress will be documented in my process blog. Watch out.