oh, snap! it's mother-effin' dracula n' stuff!
Friday, December 29, 2006
ghost ride this.
Look, it's a comic book aficionado.
"ponytail?" more like "dead give-away."
Oh, snap! Take that like-minded comic fans!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
What is that, er...cute thing?
i don't quite know what kind of animal it is, but it is in the clouds.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Space + Grime = this Guy.
I lost my Moleskine note book for a while. It was a difficult time for me.
Today I found it on my desk. Go figure. And I found just in time.
Just in time for a meeting.
this little space-dude probably would say "thanks for drawing me. if you hadn't, i wouldn't exsist." to which i would respond, "no prob, little space-dude. it was fun"
Thank god I found it. If I hadn't, I might have had to pay attention.
I shudder to think....
Friday, December 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
who's that dude?
I just got back from Ireland. I packed really light. I basically wore the same outfit the entire time. I drew this when I had a minute of downtime.
hat? glasses? t-shirt? hoodie? jacket? check. two inch thick layer of grease and dirt? check.
That doesn't look much like me. But that's ok. It wasn't a self portrait when I started, it only kind of became that when I added my clothes and facial hair.
Monday, November 20, 2006
I drew this during a meeting today. Everyone thought I was taking extensive notes. But I wasn't. I was drawing this dude. This dude who might be from space.
he obviously is in need of a wig.
I kind of love meetings. Kind of.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Fox Tail.
Foxes are cute. Their tails are cute. I saw a baby fox (on the internet).
I was amazed by a baby fox I saw on the internet, so I drew a baby fox.
Yeah. He was cute.
Friday, November 10, 2006
excitable boy space cat.
The cat in the previous post continues his adventure...
he makes a cute getaway!
P.S. I think i was channeling Jesse Riggle for the tentacles. It must be due to my crippling separation anxiety.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
now that i'm long out of high school, sometimes I miss the secret late nights and dark hickies.... *sigh*
for real though, high school is for sucks.
Friday, October 20, 2006
cats with caps.
cats with cats is almost as funny as cats with mustaches. or cats with booties. or cats with flat faces.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
prince puff
either he's a cloud prince thinking about his hero, or he's an ice cream scoop prince thinking about his... hero.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
blank like my soul...
this dudical dude was birthed thanks to the winning combination of a boring meeting and scratch paper. more fortunate than many of his brethren, he escaped being tossed aside like so many random doodles, and made it here to greet you and yours. his expression represents my inner color of my soul.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I guess he might do drugs.
Look! A drug addict! I'll bet he's up to hilarious shenanigans and unpredictable tomfoolery to fuel his drug addiction! Ha ha ha. That's priceless, it truly is.
actually, on closer inspection, he might just be tired.
For real though, hugs not drugs.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Semi-Related Skullfaces.
Here are two drawings that are related because they both have skull-face faces. That is the only real connection.... I guess.
smooth operator
he appears to dabble in some arts. perhaps of the black variety. i don't know why.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Ain't it the truth.
This drawing has been modified from it's original form. The name of the corporation or industry in question has been removed to protect any "innocent" parties.
Oh snap.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Ode to NYC (the place).
We are back from the Renegade Craft Fair in Brooklyn. It was amazing and fun and exciting. Also amazingly hot.
Great fun was had by all. Yes, fun for all... all except Adam who couldn't come because of stupid surgery.
We were in NYC for even glorious days. There was very little time to draw. But the few drawings I did do in my sweet Moleskine notebook I will share with you....
This man has headaches every so often, as we all do. But every time he has a headache, he takes out the piece of brain that hurts. Because our brains contain information, he keeps the small pieces in little glass jars, just incase he needs to access the memories contained inside. He just asks them, and they can talk back. I thought that would make a good movie or comic or serial television show or something. Like, this guys solves crimes or something, with the aid of his brain-chunk sidekicks. But the brain-chunks would be sassy and say funny things.
This dude was done inside the Drawl Graphic / Polaire tent in McCarren Park, Brooklyn, at the Renegade Craft Fair. There was actually very little time to draw at the fair. Lots and lots of people were drifting in and out of our tent, and I was being quite the social butterfly.
Watch out, homeboy! He's only got one eye and he's throwing a tantrum!
This hairy, Cycloptic fellow was done on the stoop of my brother's apartment in the East Village. I was on the stoop because my brother had to work, and it was late so we went outside to draw. But after a while people started coming out of the bar next door, standing around us smoking and talking drunk talk. It was obnoxious, so we went inside and played Wheel of Fortune on the NES. *
I could have sworn Bollo Bolo Tie was spelled right when I drew this. But my Computer has a SpellCheck like my Sketchbook doesn't.
This was done in the subway. On the L on my way to Brooklyn, to be precise. Lindsay had a previous engagement, so I was on my own and drew folks to pass the time. This dude has some greezed back hair, a light mustache, some glasses that were shaped all cool like Aviators, and a Bolo tie to top it all off. I was feelin' his style. *
She caught me in an intimate moment, I am ashamed.
This girl was also on the Subway. I drew her right after the Bolo Tie dude. She was rockin' out with her iPod, probably some Guns N' Roses if she knows what's what, and then she saw me looking and her and drawing and got all weirded out. This drawing is right when she noticed me, and her eyes got all big before she put on a poop face and kept peeking back at me every 3 seconds.
Another Skull-Faced Dude! Now with Hands for Wings!
This was done in Central Park where I met up with Lindsay and we drew for a while. It was very pleasant. The darkness on his arms was Lindsay's idea. I asked what I should do next, and she said "give him black-goo arms." And it was so. Good call Lindsay.
What a wuss.
On the flight home, our plane was grounded for 3 hours. Without air-conditioning in 90 degree weather. The plane was sweltering, every person was soaked with sweat and disgruntled. Once we finally got to Chicago, our flight to MPLS had long gone. So we got to sleep on the floor in the terminal until the next flight left in the morning. It sucked. But the whole time, I was fine. I've been through worse, and it is better than dying in a crash or something. But I swear everyone else thought it was the end of the world. It was non-stop complaining and crying from all the "adults" who were acting like the flight attendants personally sabotaged the plane to keep everyone miserable. People of AA Flight 363, grow up and stop acting like little cry babies, you cry babies.
Pacman is a punk.
I also drew this on the plane. Turbulence made me screw up the arm, hence the colored in part.
That's it. That was a little abrupt.
*Both of these were done on the subway in pencil, and inked at a restaurant in Brooklyn whilst eating a Turkey Sandwich and Curly Fries, yo.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
skullface in orange.
Hey it's Skullface! And he's orange!
He's orange because I had an Orange Brush Pen. It's a fact.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
A chin!
Today I gave myself a challenge. To draw myself, in my whimsical stylings, with a chin, And with my mouth closed.
I always draw myself without a chin. It's funnier that way. But I have a chin. Infact, I have an angular, jutting jaw-line, to the point it's almost ridiculous. So here I am with a modest chin....
whoa! my head doesn't slope into my collar!
Let it be known; I offset the reality of a chin by making my mouth closed. In real life my mouth is rarely closed. My mouth is almost constantly half open. Like I was staring off it to space and started to droool. Probably due to the exhaustion caused by the weight of my jaw....
deep beneath the sea lives a monster...
2nd drawing in my Moleskine notebook... such buttery soft pages.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
My New Notebook.
Maybe getting a brand new notebook isn't an exciting and erotic event in everyone's life, but rest assured it brings me more pleasure than you can fathom.
And Lindsay brought me a brand new notebook from her trip to the NYC.
And not just any notebook, but a Moleskine notebook. Moleskine makes the best notebooks in all the land. They are soft and supple and gorgeous. My new one is of the Graph variety, my favorite variety. Blank is cool too. Pockets are odd, but sweet. Ruled can suck it for all I care.
Here is the first drawing I did in it. It was a blast of joy to the nut-sack.
click to view it el mundo
Monday, May 22, 2006
Congrats Katie!
Hey! You there! My lil' sister, Katie, graduated from college this weekend. I attended the ceremony. I was bored, so I drew these....
click to view large
click to view large
I did them on the program for the ceremony. It was a coarse, ribbed paper. I had to use a pen made entirely of Corn (seriously. Well, except the metal tip). So if you think they are crude or hard to read, you try to do better, Capt'n Tiny Peener.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
based on a very true and very sad story....
click to view larger
Awwww. Don't worry, though... He eventually grows a veritable forest of ghostly pubic hair. And in the process he buds in to a true Ghost-Man.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
a day in the life of a corpse....
click to view the marginally larger version
I strongly feel that if my face ever fell off it would be accompanied by a loud "pop" that would startle any onlookers.
Monday, May 08, 2006
A walk in the life....
The Humane Society had it's annual Walk for Animals this weekend. 'Twas a blast....
click to view Jumbo Size
Twink and Atari had a Fun Riot.
Yes, Atari wore a striped shirt. And yes, Twink wore a TMNT T-shirt with a knot. And yes, I did eat a copious amount of hotdogs. Which were FREE.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Erection Head.
Because my handwriting is less than exemplary and there's a spelling error or two in there, I'll transcribe the dialogue bubble for you:
Excuse me? What did you just say to me?
...Just now, yes....
My Word! You, sir, are both immature and a pest! I've never... I am appalled.
For shame.
Yes, that's how half of the conversation went.
What a penis head.
p.s. click the pic to see a big dick.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Holy Crap (the sketch)!
Here's a sketch I did.
It turned into something special, with some help from Lindsay. Check it here.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Happy Birthday to...who?
Somebody in Drawl Graphic has a birthday tomorrow. Who is it? I'll never tell.
But I WILL give this certain so-and-so a hastily drawn and very poorly colored birthday card!
Happy Birthday Buddy/Budd-ette!
(hint; it's not my birthday)
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Take this job... please!
When I started A Day in the Life in it's blog form, I specifically said it would a collection of random drawings and comics. So far, it's been comics. But now would be a good time to introduce fun doodles. Why is now a good time, you ask?
Shut up, that's why.
It's on graph paper because I drew it in my "Little Graph Paper Notebook" which is not only a clever name, but an accurate description as well.
In the true spirt of A Day in the Life, it was done at work in the down-time. It's got a hidden meaning. The drawing has to do with something new in my life. I won't tell you what, but I will give you a tantalizing teaser; the shirt has a clue on it! That's the only clue for you, you cheeky little boy/girl!
See? That wasn't so painful. I got to share, which I love to do. And you got to see a drawing that made you think I am very ugly.
Now run along, you lil' scamp.